Status: Incarico in corsoSuperficie: 100 mqSito: Porto Torres, SardegnaProgetto: domECO   The project involves the transformation of a commercial space into an analysis laboratory. The design challenge was to exploit the constraints of the existing space, but...

Ufficio in mansarda

Anno: 2020Status: ConclusoSuperficie: 80 mqSito: Sassari, SardegnaProgetto: domECOFoto: Studio Vetroblu (   DESCRIPTION The interior design project concerns a small attic in the historical centre, remodeled to host a small office with...

Dental studio

Anno: 2016Status: ConclusoSuperficie: 80 mqSito: Sassari, SardegnaProgetto: domECOFoto: João Morgado (   The project focuses on the waiting room of a small dental studio. It was necessary to create in the same environment also a small...


Anno: 2016Status: ConclusoSuperficie: 300 mqSito: Sassari, SardegnaProgetto: domECO in collaborazione con Elena Boi     The final result was obtained with small and quick intervention that allowed the team to create a work environement suitable to the...